- Erlangen
- Downtown location
The Konrad-Adenauer-House is located directly in the Erlangen city center and very close to the University Hospital.
Historically, the Konrad Adenauer House was our Foundation’s first sponsored student residence in 1975. Then in 1977 the building extension was constructed.
Students of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg are eligible for housing.
- 3 individual apartments
- 3 double apartments
- 11 single rooms
- 12 doublet rooms
- FDA Studentenwohnheime GmbH & Co. eGbR
- Ms. Lämmle
- 09131 / 22033
- info@fda-stiftung.de
- Mr. Stavroglou
Single room
- Size
- Rent
- Deposit
15 m2
180 €
300 €
Doublet room
- Size
- Rent
- Deposit
9 m2 / 14 m2
176 € to 180 €
300 €
Individual apartment
- Size
- Rent
- Deposit
23, 26 and 34 m2
253 € / 283 €
300 €
Double apartment
- Size
- Rent
- Deposit
14 m2 / Room
180 € / Room
300 €
- Furnished rooms
Own kitchenette
(only individual / double apartments) -
Shared kitchen
(only single / doublet rooms) -
Shower / toilet
(Partial use with room neighbor)
- Washing machine / drying rooms
- community rooms
- Bicycle parking
- Internet access
- Shopping facilities
- Bus stops
- Restaurants
- Bars
- park areas