Affordable residential space

Support of the education for students

FDA Studentenwohnheime GmbH & Co. eGbR offers subsidized housing for students at German universities.

Strong partnership

FDA Studentenwohnheime GmbH Co. eGbR cooperates closely with the FDS Foundation.

Both the association and the foundation are recognized as non-profit organizations. This enables us to offer living space at particularly favorable conditions.

Residences & Apartments

Our student residences offer everything students need to have a successful study experience.

Their close proximity to campus saves you valuable time and provides excellent access to public transportation. All rooms are furnished and our houses are continuously maintained and serviced. As part of a community, you will quickly make new friends and have the opportunity to make life easier in a new city.

Discover the advantages of our student residences and experience an unforgettable study time.

Our locations

Thanks to funding from the Free State of Bavaria and the State of Rhineland-Palatinate, we are able to offer apartments for students in the following cities:

Our foundation


We fund students by providing affordable housing and a safe environment that supports them on their path to successful graduation.


As dedicated supporters, we assist our residents with advice and support as needed, contributing to their well-being and personal development.

Equal opportunities

Our foundation is committed to equal opportunities in higher education and creates the basis for this through subsidized housing.

Creating opportunities

Our living spaces offer students the opportunity to focus on their studies and achieve their goals - because we want everyone to have the chance to reach their full potential.

FDA Studentenwohnheime GmbH Co. eGbR is made up of two shareholders: an association (FDS e.V.) and a foundation (FDA Stiftung).

Both the association (Fördererkreis Deutscher Studenten e.V.) and the foundation (Förderung der Ausbildung gemeinnützige Stiftung) are recognized as charitable by the tax office.

Due to this non-profit status, we have the opportunity to offer housing at particularly favorable conditions, from which the students benefit.


Quick and direct

Application process


Simply apply online to rent an apartment in one of the student residences.


Online application


establishment of contact